Call for expressions of interest in the role of IPNEd Co-Chair

Late last year IPNEd’s founding Global Co-Chair Harriett Baldwin MP was elected Chair of the UK Parliament's Treasury Select Committee. As a result, Ms Baldwin has tendered her resignation as the Co-Chair of IPNEd.

“Since the launch of the Network in September 2020, Ms Baldwin has played a vital role in supporting the establishment and expansion of the Network,” said the Network’s Co-Founder and Executive Director, Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly.

“A former Foreign and Development Minister with responsibility for education Ms Baldwin brought unrivaled expertise to her work with IPNEd and has been a committed and effective advocate for educational opportunity.

“I will miss her support and advice and I know all of IPNEd’s members will miss her steady hand and leadership,” concluded Mr. Nhan-O’Reilly.

As a consequence of Ms. Baldwin’s resignation we are now seeking expressions of interest from members of IPNEd to serve as Co-Chair representing the global North for the remainder of the Executive’s term, which is until December 2023.

The role of Global Co-Chair

The IPNEd Global Executive is led by two co-chairs, one from the global South currently Ms Mehnaz Akber Aziz of the Pakistan National Assembly and one from the global North.

IPNEd’s two co-chairs serve as global representatives of the Network and oversee the development of the Network's priorities, activities and membership recruitment. They also regularly represent IPNEd in global fora and the media, and help develop our relationship with strategic partners. 

How to nominate

Applications are open to any IPNEd member as of 01 January 2023 who is a sitting member of a parliament in one the 31 OECD DAC countries.

To apply for the role, please submit your candidacy to in the form of a statement up to 300 words, outlining your relevant experience and reasons for applying for the role. 

In your statement we encourage you to also address the following key issues:

  • your personal commitment to and track record of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education;

  • how you would ensure the views of IPNEd members from around the world are represented in discussions and decisions at a global level.

The deadline for submitting your candidacy is 23:59 GMT on Monday February 6. 

The existing IPNEd  Global Executive will then meet on Monday February 13 to elect the Network’s new Co-Chair representing the global North.

The role description and election process for global co-chairs can be downloaded here.


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