Foundations first: IPNEd endorses FLN Hub’s International Day of Education statement 

AI and technology in classrooms must support those that are furthest behind, including children in crisis settings such as this young girl learning in a tent classroom in Sudan. Photo credit: UNICEF.

Under the theme ‘AI and Education: Human Agency in an Automated World’, the International Day of Education 2025 encourages reflection on the power of education to equip individuals and communities to navigate, understand and influence technological advancement. 

To mark the day, the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Hub has released a statement calling for the use of AI and EdTech to be used equitably to improve literacy and numeracy  learning across Africa.

As members of the FLN Hub, we join with fellow advocates in calling for evidence-based, equitable innovative solutions to ensure every child is equipped with foundational skills in literacy and numeracy along with key social and emotional skills to thrive in school and later in life. 

The use of AI and technology in classrooms, has huge potential, but must be sustainable, contextually-relevant and carefully developed and implemented to ensure those furthest behind have access to it and are well supported in using it. Safeguards must be at the core of any new intervention to protect and advance a child’s right to quality education. 

We join the voices of our partners to call for urgent action to accelerate progress on foundational learning to ensure every child learns basic literacy, numeracy and socio-emotional skills.


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