IPNEd joins appeal to EU President to support education in emergencies

The International Parliamentary Network for Education (IPNEd) joined a coalition of civil society organizations this week calling on the EU to help ensure that Education Cannot Wait - the UN global fund for education in emergencies - is fully funded for its next operational period with a pledge of EUR 160 million at ECW’s High-Level Financing Conference in February 2023 in Geneva. 

Established at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2017 ECW ‘s mission is to address the obstacles that have prevented humanitarian and development actors from delivering quality education in humanitarian crises.

It aims to raise $1.5 billion at its High-Level Financing Conference in February which will finance its 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan.

Since ECW was established it has reached 7 million children in over 40 crisis-affected countries, but humanitarian needs are growing at an alarming pace. 

Today, 222 million children's dreams are on hold due to the climate crisis, war, forced displacement, and conflict. Generations of young people are at risk of being left behind, either missing out on education completely or not learning the basic skills needed to develop and help build peaceful, prosperous, and healthy countries. 

“Without the protection and opportunities provided by education, 222 million children risk a life of exploitation, violence, hunger and extreme poverty. By supporting Education Cannot Wait, we can make 222 million dreams come true. I especially hope to count on the help of the European Commission to give generously at the ECW’s HLFC in Geneva,” said  Sabrina Dhowre Elba, the Europe Board Chair of Global Citizen when she announced the open letter to the EU Commission President Ursula von der Layen and Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilaine.

The aim is that the EU will pledge EUR 160 million, which is 10% of the overall replenishment target of $1.5 billion. This will help provide over 2 million children caught up in humanitarian crises with education and would bring the EU closer to achieving its target of investing 13% of its development budget in education. 

The EU was a  founding donor to ECW and its continued, multi-year support will be absolutely critical to ensure ECW can meet its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan goal to raise $1.5 billion and provide education to 20 million children and youth in crises.

11 organizations signed the letter to the European Union. The letter can be read here.

Find out more about IPNEd’s work on the ECW replenishment here.


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