NEWS: Call for Expressions of Interest for IPNEd Global Executive

On 26 October 2020, the International Parliamentary Network for Education issued a call to its member parliamentarians for expressions of interest for the Network’s global Executive Committee. The call is detailed below, and member parliamentarians are invited to express their interest in joining the Executive as indicated in the ‘how to apply’ section.

Regional Representatives: IPNEd Global Executive

IPNEd background

The International Parliamentary Network for Education (IPNEd) is the first global parliamentary network dedicated to education. The network seeks to grow and deepen political understanding of and commitment to inclusive and equitable quality education for all. To do this we work with individual parliamentarians along with groups of parliamentarians at the regional, national and global levels.

Launched in September 2020, the Network is currently led by two founding co-chairs Harriett Baldwin MP of the United Kingdom and Senator Dr Musuruve of Kenya with the support of a small Secretariat based in London.

IPNEd executive committee

IPNEd seeks to develop governance mechanisms that will enable participation of its members in executing the core mandate of expanding the network and addressing SDG4.

The first step in this process will be the creation of a global Executive Committee consisting of representatives drawn from seven identified regions. The Executive Committee will support all aspects of the Network including the ongoing development and evolution of its’ governance mechanisms.

Executive committee role description

The overall role of regional executive representatives on IPNEd’s global executive committee will be linking countries at the regional level as well as representing their region globally.

Regional representatives’ specific roles:

  • act as a focal point for IPNEd in their region;

  • support efforts to recruit members from their region;

  • support the sharing of information with members in their region and promote opportunities for members to participate in and engage with IPNEd’s work;

  • ensure the views of members from their region are reflected in discussions and decisions at the global level;

  • represent IPNEd in their region, at events and activities and in relations with regional bodies;

  • provide support and advice to the co-chairs on IPNEd’s policies and priorities;

  • work collaboratively with the Secretariat to develop and deliver the Network’s strategic and operational plans.

 IPNEd regions

 There are seven seats available on the executive committee representing the following seven regions:

  • Africa

  • Arab States

  • Asia

  • Europe

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

  • North America

  • Oceania  


Joining the executive is a voluntary commitment, no members will receive any remuneration, except for expenses associated with fulfilling the role, such as for travel.

The initial length of the term for the executive is one year (until November 2021) but may be renewable to a further one year.

The plan is to move to an elected global executive committee where regional representatives are elected by IPNEd’s members in their regions.

If we do not receive any applicants from a particular region, that seat will remain vacant and a subsequent call for expressions of interest will be issued for that region once more MPs join the network.

Selection criteria 

  • A member of a national or sub-national parliament.

  • A member of IPNEd.

  • Ability to participate in quarterly executive committee meetings.

  • Available to provide advice and support to the IPNEd Secretariat.

  • Able and willing to undertake work in support of IPNEd’s development in their region and beyond.

  • Knowledge and understanding of Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the key issues and challenges relating to education financing, equity and quality. 

  • Personal commitment to and track record of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education.

  • Willingness to work cross party and across your region and globally.

  • Proven track record of acting honestly and with integrity.

How to apply

Please apply by emailing, with answers to the following four questions:

  1. What region are you applying to represent?

  2. Why are you applying to become a member of the executive committee?

  3. In brief, what do you think leaders ought to do in ensuring no child is left behind in education? 

  4. In what two ways have you impacted the lives of vulnerable or disadvantaged children in your region?

Application deadline: Monday 9 November 2020.

IPNEd’s co-chairs will select regional representatives to the executive committee shortly after the application deadline. The first meeting of the executive scheduled to take place in early December 2020.


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