Zambian MPs commit to act for learning

Zambian parliamentarians and civil society representatives gathered at the launch event pledging their support for action to improve children’s learning outcomes.

  • Zambia has some of the lowest learning levels in the world. In 2021, only 4% of grade 2 students could read at grade level.

  • 22 members of the Zambian parliament attended the launch of ‘Every child learning’ which sets out  priority actions that MPs can take to improve early grade learning outcomes.

On Tuesday 18th March 2025, members of parliament, civil society and international development partners gathered at the National Assembly in Lusaka for the launch of ‘Every child learning’ a policy briefing on the issue of foundational learning in Zambia.

Zambia has some of the lowest levels of foundational learning in the world. 

While 88% of children attend primary school, they are not developing basic skills. Only 4% of grade 2 students could read at grade level in 2021, down from 10% in 2018 and only 10% of grade 7 students can read a grade-level text, and only 16% can perform at grade-level in mathematics.

Improving children’s learning outcomes in the early grades of primary school in Zambia is an urgent and pressing priority.

The briefing, developed in partnership with civil society, development partners and members of Zambia's parliament, includes five recommendations which MPs are urged to take into account to ensure every child is learning foundational skills by age 10.

  1. Acknowledging the foundational learning challenge

  2. Mobilising society-wide support for foundational learning

  3. Ensuring data from assessments is used to set policy on children’s learning

  4. Supporting teachers to teach and stay teaching

  5. Ensuring accountability for foundational learning

Hon. Harry Kamboni MP for Kalomo Central, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Technology, officially launched the briefing. He called upon his parliamentary colleagues to prioritise foundational literacy and numeracy in order to improve the country’s human capital and safeguard its development.

Improving children’s learning outcomes in the early grades of primary school in Zambia is an urgent and pressing priority. As parliamentarians, we have a critical part to play in driving up learning outcomes,” said Hon. Kamboni.

Executive Director of the Zambian National Education Coalition, Mr George Hamusunga addressed the event and urged MPs to make foundational learning a priority.

Mr Hamusunga emphasised the value of teachers and the need to support them to teach and for more to be done to value teachers. 

He also called on MPs to prioritise funding for the early years, “adequate financing for education with at least 15 per cent of the education budget allocated to foundational learning - in early childhood education and primary school - is absolutely essential to ensure every student learns foundational skills.”

“In 2024, President Hichilema became the world’s first Champion for Foundational Learning. It is time for us to solidify this political commitment and turn it into concrete actions, and I hope this policy briefing can help members of parliament do precisely that,” said Ms Beth Gum, IPNEd’s Senior Policy & Advocacy Adviser, who spoke at the launch.

The briefing reflects a broad consensus about what more can and should be done to drive up learning outcomes in the early grades of primary school in Zambia.

“Mobilising society-wide support across Zambia, including members of the community, parents and caregivers, is essential to turning around low levels of foundational literacy and numeracy,” said Ms Cleopatra Muma, Executive Director of Zambia Open Community Schools.

The event was reported on by local media and attended by 22 members of parliament including members of the National Assembly’s Committees on Education, Science and Technology, Youth, Sport and Child Matters and Budgeting and Planning, as well as 3 committee clerks. 

“I was delighted to have the participation of select committee members in the launch, which reinforces the opportunity to drive policy and practical change using parliamentary structures and mechanisms," said Ms Gum.

“Zambian MPs have a vital role to play in transforming education, and their leadership in prioritising foundational literacy, numeracy and socio-emotional skills will ensure every child has the basics to succeed,” said Mr Darius Kunda, Senior Clerk to the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Technology.

More than 18 partners from the Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) and Zambia Open Community Schools (ZOCS), Save the Children, The Book Bus, UNICEF, VVOB and the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth Development Office attended the event.

You can download the briefing and an executive summary at the links below:


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