Help inform our work on school meals

  • As a hunger crisis looms, IPNEd is working to inform and empower parliamentarians to act on school feeding.

  • MPs and NGOs - we need your insights.

Conflict, climate change, economic shocks and rising inflation are combining to create a hunger and malnutrition crisis of an unprecedented scale. The World Food Programme estimates that 153 million children and young people are experiencing acute food insecurity, and millions more are malnourished.

“We clearly need to urgently invest in solutions that improve food security and tackle hunger,”  said Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly, the Executive Director of the International Parliamentary Network for Education.

Following this Mr Nhan-O’Reilly explained “school meal programmes are one of those solutions. They provide a proven and scalable way of addressing hunger and malnutrition in children at the same time as supporting local agriculture.”

As a member of the School Meals Coalition IPNEd is working to produce a Toolkit on School Feeding for Members of Parliament. The toolkit will provide parliamentarians with information and evidence on school meals along with suggestions about what MPs and parliaments can do to improve and grow the reach of school feeding. 

We need your insights

To help inform the toolkit we want to hear from members of parliament and civil society actors about their knowledge, understanding of and support for school feeding.

The surveys which are available in English, French and Spanish are very short and will take just 3 to 5 minutes to complete. They will close on 26th May. 

Completing the survey will help to ensure that the final product addresses your needs for information and support in your efforts as a parliamentarian or advocate to support children’s learning and wellbeing.

You can find the suverys below:

If you have any queries, please contact


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